
What is Trauma Counselling (Trauma Debriefing)?
Trauma Counselling, also known as trauma debriefing, should be a healing process whereby you areguided to process a traumatic event or experience. Trauma counselling can
Why Mental Health is so important.
So often we hear people talking about taking care of their mental health and so often wemisunderstand the importance of mental health and keeping it

Causes of Autism
Most scientists believed that autism is caused mostly by genetic factors. But new research indicates that environmental factors may also be important in the development

What is Autism?
Autism has a wide spectrum of symptoms. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) appears in infancy and early childhood, that can cause delays in many basic areas

Is Loadshedding Making Your Anxiety Worse?
South Africa has been facing extreme loadshedding which is affecting the everyday life of ordinary people. Psychologists are starting to warn that load-shedding is having

Does Your Personality Allow You to Work Remotely?
Since Covid-19, remote work has become a norm, and many employers allow their employees the option to work from home and more people are choosing

Does a Sedentary life Cause Anxiety?
Sitting for too long every day can be bad for your physical and mental health. Between the increased use of IT and work-from-home situations, you

How to Have Valentine’s Day without Anxiety
Valentine’s Day is one of those days that you either love or hate, regardless of whether you are in a relationship or not. This commercial

Self-Care Ideas When Someone You Love Is Dying
If you have a loved one or a friend that is dying, you are most likely dealing with a lot of feelings: sadness, shock, disbelief,

Self-Care Ideas To Take Into The New Year
Many people make New Year’s resolutions. However, instead of choosing one of the more common ones like losing weight, quitting smoking, and exercising more, why

How to Deal with Stressful Family Relationships during the Holidays – Part 2
We have continued the list to help guide you through the holiday season. Learn How to Detach When Needed Regardless of the type of holiday

How to Deal with Stressful Family Relationships during the Holidays – Part 1
Those who say that the holidays are the “most wonderful time of year” did not grow up with difficult family dynamics. As a counsellor who