
Reasons to See a Counsellor
There are many ways to live healthy lives and seeing a counsellor can play a unique role in your overall wellness plan. Counselling has a

The Snowball Effect of Mental Illness Stigma in Men
Men are often told to “man up” as showing emotion is considered as weak, and this can result in men not understanding mental health of

Men: Your Mental Health Is Important Too
As a society, we have created an idea that men need to be “macho”, emotionless and unaffected by mental illness. Therapy should be normalized in

The Relationship Between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder
When a child cannot focus on tasks or in school, parents may think their child has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Fidgeting and difficulty sitting

What Does Undiagnosed ADHD Look Like In Adults?
It is estimated that a large percentage of the adult population has ADHD that is undiagnosed. There are three types of ADHD, namely the Inattentive

Relationship Red Flags
Your relationship with your partner should contribute to a sense of fulfilment, happiness and connection. If you tend to feel anxious, distressed or unhappy around

What Makes a Relationship Healthy
If you have a romantic relationship, you most likely want a healthy relationship. But what does one consider as a healthy relationship? Healthy relationships do

Mental Health Disorders that Peak during Spring
It is not uncommon for some mental health disorders to peak during certain times of the year. Many think that seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is

Mental Health in Women
There are many things that might impact a woman’s mental health. Some of these worries might be related to gender stereotyping or assumptions and concerns

Coping With Anticipatory Grief – Part 2
Let Children Express Their Grief Children can also experience anticipatory grief. It is important for kids to work through their grief. Children often have fewer

Coping With Anticipatory Grief – Part 1
Anticipatory Grief is different than conventional grief. Anticipatory grief generally happens before someone dies, and conventional grief afterward. This type of grief can be experienced

The Pressure of Being the Breadwinner
Many studies have found that gendered role expectations in women have a disadvantage, but the same can be harmful to men too. In a society