Reasons to See a Counsellor

There are many ways to live healthy lives and seeing a counsellor can play a unique role in your overall wellness plan. Counselling has a unique way to help relieve negative symptoms by addressing something that is going wrong while bringing in something new to enhance what is already there. So here are 4 reasons why you should see a counsellor and another 4 for why you might want to see a counsellor

Chronic or Recurring Stress, Anxiety or Depression

If you are experiencing chronic or recurring stress, anxiety or depression that you are struggling to manage and it is escalating. Over time these feelings can become stronger and when they are entrenched, it can become difficult to shift patterns on your own.

Stress Spill Over

If you are trying to deal with problems in your life and the stress is starting to spill over into other unrelated areas e.g. your conflict with your manager at work is starting to come home with you and affects the way you talk to your family, or an ongoing battle to save your relationship is making it hard for you to concentrate at work.

You’ve survived an Overwhelming Event and Find it Difficult to Re-Engage

You have survived in the past, or you are surviving an overwhelming experience and you are finding it hard to go back to your usual life. Experiences that have left a traumatic impact can become a lens that colours the rest of your life, causing you to use most of your energy into dealing with something that is past instead of engaging with your present and building for your future.

People You Trust and Care about are Telling you they are Concerned about You

Sometimes we do not notice how stress is affecting us, or how our patterns are causing distress to others in our lives. If you are hearing the same message over and over from different people, it may be site to get some help to see past your stress.

You Care About Your Relationship

Do you want your relationships to soar? Do you want to be a fantastic parent? Would you like to experience more vitality in friendships? Many relationships stay in maintenance mode and function well enough to keep going and we often miss opportunities to grow and in turn affect those we care about in a positive way, whether it is helping your teenager develop skills to manage their lives better, to bring your intimate life with your partner to levels of new satisfaction, or to find new areas of challenge and connection with a broader or deeper network of friends.

You Crave Change or Challenge

Do you want to feel like you are thriving in your career? Do you want to overcome some fears to try something new? Any change can be stressful, even if we see it as a positive thing. Having support to overcome fears and find the next step can help us bring healthy changes to our lives.

Lighten the Load of Unnecessary Baggage

Often our views of ourselves and the world around us, is filled with old stories and memories. We may not even be aware of how they shape us. It may be an old grudge, a notion that you can’t do something, or patterns in our lives that we hang onto just because we have always done it in a certain way. These ideas can weigh us down and prevent us from discovering new aspects og who we can become.

You Would Like To Have Your Life Have More Meaning

You may be seeking a greater understanding of your heritage, crave a deeper spiritual aspect in your life or desire more passion for what you are already engaging in. A chance to reflect and ask difficult questions with support can inject your life with purpose and great satisfaction.

Counselling offers a unique context where you can get a fuller understanding of yourself, our important relationships and what changes may help us. Positive health is much more than just reducing stress and negative symptoms. Choosing to enhance health in areas important to you can bring meaningful growth into your life and can affect all aspects of your overall wellness. Laurian Ward can help you build a meaningful life