
Do adolescents learn better from reward or punishment?
Adolescence is a critical phase of development, where learning and behaviour are heavily influenced by external factors. A common debate in both educational and psychological

Does Overprotective Parenting Lead to Anxiety in Children?
Overprotective parenting is a style where parents excessively shield their children from potential harm and stress. While the intention is to ensure safety and well-being,

Why daydreaming could be good for you
Daydreaming, often dismissed as a waste of time, is actually a powerful mental exercise with several benefits for your mind and your overall well-being. Contrary

Anger Can Be Good for You
While anger is often viewed as a negative emotion, it can be good for you in ways you might not expect. To know and understand

The Physical Side Effects of Childhood Trauma
Childhood trauma leaves an undeniable mark on any individual, affecting not only theiremotional well-being but also manifesting in physical ways. The physical side effects ofchildhood

The Power of Writing
For today’s modern turn from paper to digital, the act of physically writing unveils a fascinating interplaybetween cognition, emotion, and behavior. Beyond its practical function,

Why we fall into mental traps
In the realm of psychology, it’s often surprising how easily we can fall into mental traps. Thesetraps, rooted in cognitive biases and behavioral patterns, affect

Changing your routine: Embrace the benefits of variety
In our everyday lives, routines provide structure and comfort, but they can also lead to monotony and stagnation. Embracing changing your routine can have numerous

Learn to practice gratitude
To practice gratitude involves consciously focusing on the things we’re thankful for, big or small, and it holds the key to unlocking a multitude of

How social media increases loneliness
In today’s digital world, the irony of feeling isolated in an interconnected world is more prevalentthan ever. The phrase “social media increases loneliness” has become
Doing Valentine’s Day Differently
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and while traditional flowers and chocolates are sweet, whynot consider doing Valentine’s Day differently this year? Break away
5 Psychology-Backed Strategies to stop living on autopilot
Living on autopilot can take a toll on your mental well-being, leaving you feeling disconnected andunfulfilled. Dive into the realm of psychology to understand and