Bullying plays a big role in Suicide among young people. While bullying has a big factor in Suicide, there are also many incidents of youth Suicide that are caused by other factors. From 2007 to 2014, rates of deaths due to Suicide among children between the ages of 10 to 14 more than doubled.
We cannot prevent all incidents of youth Suicide by only focusing on bullying. We must target the many potential risk factors involved. For many schools, this might seem like a daunting task considering the variety of potential issues involved, from bullying to school discipline to mental and physical health support to family engagement. These issues are interconnected.
By approaching Suicide prevention holistically, the whole child instead of focusing solely on a single risk factor such as bullying, we may be better able to stem the tide of youth Suicide. Schools can help promote positive relationships between students and teachers. They can recognize the contribution of physical wellness to mental wellness and they can actively engage families with the school community. In doing so, schools can target many Suicide risk factors at once and by extension, create a healthy, safe, nurturing environment where youth Suicides may be less likely to happen.
If you or someone you know is thinking of Suicide, please contact Laurian Ward on 072 123 3632