Some Guidelines on Managing Depression

As depression is a result of an interplay between our bodies, our mind, and our environment, treatment should address all three areas for recovery. Leading a healthy lifestyle will provide a buffer and reduce your risk of experiencing depression. However, if you have already been diagnosed and would like to manage your depression differently these guidelines on Managing Depression may be of benefit.

Maintain regular contact with friends

When feeling depressed it is easier to withdraw from life and people. Not only does social interaction improve your mood on a long-term basis, but it also ensures that you have a support structure and probably someone to talk to when you feel low.

Increase physical activity

Taking up some form of exercise is a great way of Managing Depression. There is sufficient research that exercise can help lift your mood. If you have not exercised in a while and may feel unfit, start gently by walking for 10 minutes every day.

Face your fears

Engage in activities you could once do and now find difficult. For example, when you feel low, you may want to withdraw to the point of not even leaving your home. If this starts to happen, facing these situations again will help them become easier when Managing Depression.

Restrict your intake of alcohol

For some people, alcohol may be used to self-medicate. You may drink more than usual as a way of Managing Depression or numbing your emotions. While alcohol may provide a temporary solution, it could be masking some deeper feelings that need processing.

Try eating a balanced diet

Some people lose their appetite when they feel depressed and may lose weight in a short period of time, while others may ‘comfort’ eat and can gain weight. Three healthy balanced meals, as well as two snacks at tea times, are often recommended by dieticians to provide your body with the necessary energy, minerals, and vitamins. You may want to even talk to your therapist or the doctor who prescribed your anti-depressant if you feel your medication is affecting your appetite.

Have a routine

Maintain a balanced daily routine for waking and sleeping times, meal and snack times as well as work and recreation.

Seeking help for Managing Depression

Seek professional help if you believe you are struggling to manage your mood. Psychotherapy can assist you in challenging your beliefs about yourself and your world so that your quality of life can improve. You can refer yourself to Laurian Ward for counselling.