Solution-Focused Therapy

Unlike traditional forms of therapy that take time to analyze problems, pathology, and past life events, solution-focused therapy concentrates on finding solutions in the present time and exploring one’s hope for the future to find quicker solutions to one’s problems. This method takes the approach that you know what you need to do to improve your own life, and with the appropriate coaching and questioning, are capable of finding the best solutions.

When It’s Used

Solution-Focused Therapy can stand alone as a therapeutic intervention, or it can be used along with other therapy styles and treatments. It is used to treat people of all ages and a variety of issues, including child behavioral problems, family dysfunction, domestic and child abuse, addiction, and relationship problems. Though not a cure for psychiatric disorders such as depression and schizophrenia, Solution-Focused Therapy may help improve the quality of life for those who suffer from these conditions.

What To Expect

Goal-Setting is at the foundation of Solution-Focused Therapy, one of the first steps is to identify and clarify your goals. The therapist will begin by questioning what you hope to get out of working with a therapist, and how specifically, your life will change when steps are taken to resolve the problems. By answering these types of questions, you can begin to identify solutions and come up with a plan for change. One of the key questions a therapist asks is called the miracle question: “If a miracle occurred while you were sleeping tonight, what changes would you notice in your life tomorrow?”. This opens up your mind to creative thinking and again, to setting goals and developing a clear plan that will lead to life-changing solutions.

What To Look For In A Solution-Focused Therapist

Solution-Focused Therapy can be incorporated into other forms of counselling and therapy. Look for a licensed, experienced counsellor, social worker, psychotherapist, or other mental health professional with training in Solution-Focused Therapy. In addition to finding someone with the appropriate educational background, experience, and positive approach, look for a therapist with whom you feel comfortable discussing personal issues.