How to Have Valentine’s Day without Anxiety

Valentine’s Day is one of those days that you either love or hate, regardless of whether you are in a relationship or not. This commercial holiday of love may create worry, tension, dissatisfaction, and even depression for a lot of people. Society can place a lot of pressure on us to have an amazing Valentine’s. If you have trouble navigating this day, here are a few tips to help.

If You Are Single –

You will see many posts from your married friends on your newsfeed. Valentine’s Day may seem like an unpleasant reminder of your single status (more than usual). Instead of worrying about it, use this day towards happiness and the basic joys of life.

Confronting the Signs – Everyone has their own way and speed for getting over a relationship, whether you just broke up or your last relationship was a long time ago. If you are feeling more emotional stress, it may help to go see a counsellor. Stress may lead to health problems, such as stress-induced heart problems and ulcers. If you feel you need help, contact a medical professional or a therapist

Self Love – Your relationship with yourself will be the longest one you will have, so it is very important to treat yourself properly. If you are not celebrating the day with your significant other, make your own plans. Think about what energises you. It can be anything from taking a bath with essential oils to hosting a party in your jammies. You can meditate, read a book or take a walk in the sun. Do what makes you happy, both emotionally and physically.

Take Part In Volunteer Activities – Finding a cause you are passionate about is one of the most rewarding ways to spend your time. Locate an animal shelter or an old age home that might benefit from a few of your hours. You might even decide to return more often!

Friends – Organise something with your closest friends, they are the ones who are always there for you, especially if you may be going through a hard time.

Stay Away From Social Media – Spending most of your time on social media is one of the worse things you can do if you are already unhappy about what you are going through. But remember that on social media, everyone is presenting their best side. You may see a lot of couples who seem very happy, but what you are seeing may not be the full truth. To help combat some of the illusions, keep yourself away from social media.

If You Are In A Relationship –

Valentine’s Day can creep up on you, leaving you stressed and running around to make some last-minute plans. Here are some tips to help you with a romantic, stress free day.

Have Early and Direct Talks – Whether you are in a relationship with someone new or celebrating Valentine’s Day with a long term love, you should talk about the day as soon as possible. This will provide you the chance to express your expectations for the day, agree on budgets, and dispel any tension that may be between you.

Avoid Making Comparisons – Every relationship is unique. Your relationship is different to other couples. Everyone is unique, therefore your Valentine’s Day will be unique as well. When you hear about your friend’s goals, try not to compare them to yours. Also try and avoid social media, as your feed will be filled with people gloating about their experience and seeing all this may make you second guess yourself and doubt what you and your partner are doing. All that counts is that your ideas are suitable for you and your partner and that you both are happy.

Understand Your Love Languages – There are many ways to express your feelings to a certain someone in your life. If you and your partner can determine which “languages” are at work in your relationship, you may be able to avoid misunderstandings. Valentine’s Day can bring additional issues when miscommunication starts happening. Determine how your partner likes to both offer and receive love. You may see that words of affirmation, acts of service, presents, quality time, or physical contact is the entire valentine’s love you both need.

It’s The Thought That Counts – No matter how many Valentine’s you have beenthrough, buying that perfect gift can be a stressful experience. Valentine’s Day is about romance, and this should never be priced. There are so many gifts that will reflect how much you care about the person receiving them. Depending on your relationship, it can be anything from a memory book to task vouchers for things you both agree to perform for the next six months. It can be a recipe book for home-cooked meals or even a day away from home.Devote The Day To Reducing Stress – Don’t arrange a romantic evening that includes dozens of precisely timed stops if this day will make you turn into a ball of tension. Spend the day with your partner by genuinely relaxing and de-stressing. Stress can be very tiring to your body, but conquering stress is not as hard as it may seem. Use the Valentine’s Day event as an opportunity to spend time with the person you care the most about. Everyone’s interpretation of this will be different, but just because it is Valentine’s Day, does not mean you have to make great efforts to express your love. Resting on the sofa, a home cooked supper, or anything that helps you and your partner relax is just as amazing as a candlelight dinner.