How To Handle Stress Of Final Matric Exams

It is crunch time for our Matrics, twelve years of schooling and endless learning have all led to this moment, the last few weeks before the final exams. It is rare to find a Matric learner who is not feeling some pressure, anxiety, or stress at his time and this is quite natural, Matric exams are a big deal. There is a lot of work required and each learner’s future is resting on the outcome.

Matric learners who have worked consistently throughout the year will find that they may be adding unnecessary pressure on themselves while learners who have not been quite as diligent will be a little afraid, or even terrified that they may not make the grade. the good news is that in both scenarios, it is not too late to put some strategies in place to ensure that these last few weeks are used productively, reducing stress and anxiety.

Here are a few strategies to help with successful Matric Results.
1. Prioritise your work. Be sure to focus on smaller tasks at a time, it becomes a lot more manageable and you will not feel completely overwhelmed.
2. Start by drafting your strategy, get hold of a calendar and start planning your strategy. When do you write each subject? Once you have filled in this information, begin by looking at what you will be writing first, use your calendar to decide what you will need to focus on and when.
3. Commit to your study schedule, it is your responsibility to ensure that you achieve the best possible results during these exams. You can’t blame anyone else for any negative choices you make.
4. Source past exam papers with memorandums. Use the extra time you might have to work through past exam papers. Questions are often repeated, and working through past exam papers will also alleviate some of your anxiety because you will be familiar with how the exam might be set.
5. Always start with an easy-mark question, once you know how to tackle these questions, move forward. Leave the hardest questions for last. You will need to take the same approach on your final exams. Working through the easy-mark questions first will increase your confidence and you will be able to complete your papers.
6. Take care of yourself, self-care is essential. Set boundaries with family and friends, and say no to expectations that will infringe on your learning. Say yes to activities that will add value to your health and well-being. Exercise, eating healthily, and drinking lots of water are absolutely essential.
7. Believe in yourself. Do not let fear and negative thoughts hold you back.

If you do need some guidance to get through this time, contact Laurian Ward and she will assist you