Women who are pregnant during the Covid-19 pandemic may be at a higher risk of developing mental health problems that can include anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Top concerns among women include becoming ill while pregnant, being unemployed and struggling financially, and suffering from pregnancy-related conditions that were not diagnosed in a timely fashion.
Covid 19 becomes more of a reality when it is time to give birth. There is probably a Covid-19 test prior to the admission and then a period of isolation just before going to the hospital to ensure the mother-to-be is still clear. This isolation makes the possibility and fear of contracting Covid 19 more of a reality. The imagination during this time of being alone could increase anxiety. Various possibilities of birthing difficulties and the fear of contracting Covid-19 in the hospital may become exaggerated when alone.
However, one of the biggest anxiety triggers is the physical distancing requirements that women face giving birth without their partner or loved one, restrictions on hospital recovery times, and questions about whether it is safe for other family members to visit. These are all support systems that pregnant women and new mothers relied upon before the pandemic. Not only is the practical guidance they receive from them invaluable, but they are unable to share their current experience in the physical presence of their support structure.
Tips for Emotional Health During Pregnancy and Covid-19
If you are feeling worried or stressed, these tips will possibly guide you through a less stressful pregnancy.
Find a Virtual Pregnancy Support Group
Most in-person events and groups have been canceled, so you can look into joining a virtual support group. It’s always good to talk to other people who are in a similar situation as yourself. Support groups can be found on Social Media. Alternatively, speaking to a psychologist is also a good idea to guide you through any concerns you may be experiencing. Laurian Ward offers virtual sessions via Zoom.
Yoga and Meditation During Pregnancy
It is very important that you and your baby keep your anxiety levels down, especially in these times. Exercise helps with feelings of anxiety, like going for a walk or doing yoga. Make sure you talk to your healthcare provider before taking part in any exercise.
Another way to relieve some stress is through meditation. Meditation is a way to clear your mind through breathing exercises. These exercises help your mind slow down and ease some worries.
Connect With Friends and Family
Many of us have been working from home and some have even lost their jobs. Safe distance has been implemented on various levels and this can make you feel isolated, along with your everyday stress. Luckily, we have modern technology to keep us connected, you can FaceTime friends and video call family.
We at Laurian Ward hope these tips help keep your emotional health on track, but if you feel you need additional guidance, Laurian Ward at Counselling Psychologist Pretoria East, Garsfontein, will give you various practical steps to help you through your pregnancy and after.