Adults with ADHD

Adult ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) is frequently perceived as an excuse for laziness or justification for those who lack responsibility in their lives. However, the diagnosis is more of a reality than ever before. This does not mean that it was never present, but it is now being recognized and treated as such.

People with ADHD generally appear as disorganised, unfocused, impulsive, and have unrealistic expectations. Adult ADHD is different from that experienced in childhood. Maintaining social relationships, paying bills on time, keeping track of the budget, and struggling to complete tasks become everyday difficulties. The list continues: losing wallets, keys, and important documents; explosive outbursts; poor time management; forgetfulness; procrastination, or even finding it difficult to follow instructions are symptoms that could suggest adult ADHD.

Some strategies that may assist someone with ADHD include creating a routine for everyday life. Create lists of important tasks and schedule more time than is necessary to complete the task. Compile lists of important tasks and prioritise these in order of importance.

Adult ADHD is not an indication of intelligence. While professional help and medication can assist in managing the symptoms, it remains the responsibility of the person to use tools and strategies to reduce its impact.